Providing excellent dental care to the people of North Central Washington.
Dr. M. Cy Whitener and his team offer quality general dentistry in the Chelan-Manson area.
Our team believes that personal attention and exceptional care are key to your
journey to a healthy smile.

We make many types of dentures in our office. Frequently, we combine dentures with implant surgery, with our Oral Surgeons in Wenatchee. Implants in combination with dentures enhance the feel, look, and function of your mouth. Some dentures snap in and out (implant-retained dentures), or are fixed and stay in the mouth (implant-supported dentures). Many options are available and can be discussed after your exam.
Intra Oral Imagery
We love showing off what is going on in your mouth! We use intra-oral cameras to show you what we see so you can be involved in your treatment-planning decisions. A quick photo with our intra-oral camera allows us to show you on a large monitor in real-time precisely what we are seeing in your mouth!
SureSmile® Clear Aligners
Clear aligner orthodontics are all the rave! We offer SureSmile® clear aligners in the office. While not all cases are ideal for aligner treatment (these cases require traditional brackets and wires), if you are a candidate for clear aligners, we will discuss your options and do a digital scan to get your trays fabricated! If you do require brackets for your case, we are more than happy to refer to one of our many excellent Orthodontists in Wenatchee.
Digital X-rays
Digital X rays are an ideal diagnostic tool for dental treatment planning. They acquire an image almost instantaneously. This allows for quick imaging during your exam, in the case of emergencies, and in some cases during procedures. Not only are digital x-rays convenient, they require a much smaller dose of radiation compared to traditional film x-rays. Regularly taking x-rays help us provide you the best care possible!
Prophylactic Cleanings
Regular, consistent dental cleanings are crucial for maintaining your oral health. Calculus (tartar) builds up on our teeth and requires more than a tooth brush to remove. Clean teeth, free of tartar, keep gum tissue healthier. Not only do we clean your teeth, but we monitor the periodontal health of your teeth and gum health. We also examine the oral cavity for any signs of oral cancers. Additionally, some patients require a ‘deep cleanings’ to maintain optimal oral health. A deep cleaning requires removing tarter and bacteria from below the gum tissue. This often requires being numb for your comfort, but helps decrease inflammation, leading to a healthier oral environment.
Night Guards and Bite Guards
In some situations, a night-time appliance can be crucial for maintaining your teeth for life. Bruxism, grinding, and clenching can lead to many tooth problems and muscular dysfunctions of the jaw joint. A properly fabricated night appliance can help alleviate tooth pain, manage clenching and grinding while protecting the teeth, and help prevent sore muscles in the morning. These are typically fabricated with in office impressions or digital scans.
We are in the profession of saving and protecting teeth. However, there are situations where teeth need to be removed for a variety of potential reasons. Simple and surgical extractions are regularly performed in our office. Teeth close to major nerves, sinuses, or vessels are sometimes higher risk to remove, and often these cases are referred to our friendly Oral Surgeons in Wenatchee for your safety.
Root Canal Therapy
When a tooth is traumatized or decayed deep enough to affect the nerve, often a root canal procedure is needed to save the tooth. The tooth’s nerve is removed and the canal cleaned and filled, removing the source of pain and/or infection. This can often extend the life of a tooth significantly. While we do many root canals in our office, more challenging cases are referred to our friendly Endodontists in Wenatchee.
Oral Biopsy
DescOral pathology can often go undetected without regular dental exams. Growths, color changes of tissues, sores, and other conditions can be signs of oral pathology. For a definitive diagnosis of oral abnormalities, a sample of tissue(s) is removed, either partially or fully, and sent to the UW Pathology Laboratory for microscopic analysis. We perform many different kinds of biopsies in our office. If there is a lesion that is unsafe for us to remove, we refer you to our skilled Oral Surgeons in Wenatchee.ription goes here
CEREC Same-Day Crowns
With CEREC technology, your new crown can be scanned, designed, created, and delivered all in a single appointment. CEREC stands for: Chairside Economical Restorations Esthetic Ceramic. This means you, as a patient in the chair, get a time- and cost-effective, natural-looking, fully functioning, strong prosthetic tooth that’s esthetically pleasing and made of high-strength ceramics that are close to the natural composition of healthy teeth.
Similar to our single-visit CEREC crowns, we can also custom-make bridges to fit your needs. When implants are not an option to replace missing teeth, often a bridge is the next best choice. We partner with local labs out of Wenatchee, Spokane, and Seattle to fabricate a bridge to fit your mouth

Due to High New Patient Volume, new patients may be wait-listed for cleanings/exams.
Contact us to inquire about availability and schedule an appointment
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